America's foremost "dream analyst" has some revealing insights to share with you about your dreams…

Understand the hidden messages, meaning and *warnings* your subconscious is communicating to you
every night…

Your dreams contain invaluable advice… Discover how to Remember them...
Unlock their hidden wisdom... and even Control and direct them to your liking…

Discover the secrets hidden within your nightly dreams… with America's foremost "dream analyst"…

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Over 50,000 dreams interpreted and appearances on Good Morning America,
The TODAY Show,
The View, CNN
and 1000's Of radio shows…

When you understand what your dreams mean, you will
experience a positive impact in your daily life…

Dreams are your subconscious minds way to tell you something… inspire you, warn
you, give you valuable advice. Only when you understand the meaning of your
dreams will you be in a position to benefit from them and make positive changes in
your life…

But first… in order to understand your dreams, you must REMEMBER them.

Like I have with thousands of other people, I can show you how to…

 REMEMBER your dreams … starting tonight…

UNDERSTAND their hidden wisdom and important warnings so you can avoid future problems or disasters…

GAIN valuable advice from your dreams…

"I continue to enjoy my book and your website. I really think my quality of life has improved with my new insight into dream language."
-- Patricia Glaab, Hampton, VA

Let me Introduce myself...

My name is Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. I am a Certified Dream Analyst, syndicated columnist, author, popular radio personality and member of ASD, the Association for the Study of Dreams - an international organization of Clinical Psychologists, researchers and Dream Analysts.

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by dreams and their meaning. I studied Dream Psychology and became certified as a Dream Analyst under the tutelage of Katia Romanoff, Ph.D.

Since 1996 I have been a syndicated columnist writing "The Dream Zone®", which is read by over 2.5 million readers and is published in dozens of daily newspapers, weeklies, and online magazines.

CNN special titled "Sleep" with
Dr. Sanja Gupta

Like to wake up from a strange or bizarre dream and
understand completely what it is telling you?

I will show you how to unravel your dreams piece-by-piece, symbol-by-symbol
leading up to one all amazing…

"Aha! moment!"

You will discover an exhilarating and magical feeling when you make that connection and truly "get it"… You will possess a whole new confidence and understanding
about yourself…

A whole new world will open up to you when you understand…

  • How you really feel about where you are in life…

  • How to improve your relationships with your spouse, family and friends…

  • How to avoid obstacles to your happiness and fulfillment…

  • How to achieve your goals…

To remember, understand and benefit from the messages you receive in your
dreams is like connecting with an old friend… "simply wonderful!"…


"So, What Did You Dream
Last Night?"

With over 70 actual dreams covered, more than 80 illustrations, and a complete dream dictionary, you will finally discover what your dreams mean in this beautifully presented 8.5 X 11 hard cover coffee table book.

Click HERE to Order NOW!

"My girlfriend LOVES this book, and our friends who have picked it up from the coffee table have dug it too. That's why I had to order 2 more!"
- Robert, Kill Devil Hills, NC

"So, What Did You Dream Last Night?" covers dream categories such as:



Plus, the physiological and psychological reasons we dream, falling / flying /
fleeing, and what it means when strange things happen to our bodies in dreams.

Also, you will discover why:

  • Water dreams help you keep your emotions in check… (Chapter 7)

  • Celebrities in dreams show you how you are currently "performing" in life… (Chapter 10)

  • Nudity in dreams helps you to be prepared… (Chapter 3)

  • Animals in dreams are a mirror of your behavior… (Chapter 6)

  • Strange things happening to your body often show you what you lack…
    (Chapter 5)

  • Nightmares are actually good for you… (Chapter 12)

  • Dreams after a loved one dies might actually be a direct line of
    communication with the other side… (Chapter 13)

  • Learn how to lucid dream (be awake while you're dreaming)... (Chapter 14)

  • And much more…

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Journey With Me Into The Mysterious Dreaming Mind…

The dreams included in "So, What Did You Dream Last Night?" were carefully selected as the most common and fascinating dreams from the thousands of dreams
I have interpreted.

You've probably had many of these dreams yourself…

Discover the real life issues behind the dreams to gain a better understanding of how our dreams are at work in our daily lives and what factors in life cause us to dream
the weird things we do.

In the future, you will instantly understand what your dreams mean… and this
will lead you to answers about relationships, your work, or other "dilemmas"
you may be facing.

With "So, What Did You Dream Last Night?" you will receive:

  • Over 70 actual dreams.

  • Over 80 illustrations!

  • A full dream dictionary…


And it is beautifully illustrated in full color and
black and white…

How to order your copy of
"So, What Did You Dream Last Night?"

Order now, and you will be uncovering and discovering the inner mysteries of the
dream world within minutes… "So, What Did You Dream Last Night?" is not only
fun to read, but extremely enlightening and beneficial to you in so many areas of
your life.

With Your Order Today, You will also Gain

"The Secrets to Dream Power"

The Bonus, Digital, Read-On-Your-Computer e-book.

This FREE e-book is VERY IMPORTANT in getting true benefit from your dreams. I wrote the "The Secrets To Dream Power" to offer something a little more instructional, more of a "How To" book - a book you could read immediately and put to work for you the very next morning.

The Dream Worksheet is my favorite part of the book. It puts all the steps together for you in a "fill-in-the-blank" format. As you fill in the blanks with your dream from the previous night, you suddenly start getting major

"Aha! Moments."

Suddenly, your dream starts to make complete sense…

"The Secrets To Dream Power" Includes:

  • 5 Secrets to Better Dream Recall - You have up to 5 dreams every single night. Learn how to capture them all…

  • 7 Secrets to Understanding your Dreams - Learn how easy it is to find out what every single part of your dream means…

  • 7 Secrets to Dreaming About Anything or Anyone You Want - Learn how to be a rock star, date a celebrity or visit with a deceased loved one in your dreams. You CAN make yourself dream about anything you want…

  • Plus a "fill-in-the-blanks" printable dream worksheet (watch as your
    dream magically reveals its meaning to you, piece by piece) Fun to do with a
    friend or by yourself…

  • And a full dream dictionary with 350 common dream symbols for
    continual reference. Easily search for your dream symbols.

It gets even better… Once you understand how dreams really work, you can…

Dream about anything or anybody
you desire… without limits!

Suspend disbelief for just one moment, and imagine…

  • Having a romantic encounter with Brad Pitt, Pamela Anderson or anyone
    else you desire…

  • Being a rock star with adoring fans screaming your name…

  • Soaring like a bird over the city below you…

  • Sitting down to dinner with Albert Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, the President...who ever you want…

  • Hitting the winning home run in the World Series…

  • Visiting with loved ones who have passed on

  • And so much more…

I teach you step by step inside the e-book The Secrets To Dream Power how to bring the magic of dreams into your life.

Order today and receive both books:

1)"So, What Did You Dream Last Night?" Hard cover Illustrated Dream Book Signed and Shipped to your door!


2)"The Secrets To Dream Power" Instant Download! Digital read on your computer book. After you place your order you will be sent to the download page so you can be reading this book instantly.


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How my "controlling the dream" techniques
were put to the test by my biggest skeptic…

Mitzi Miller at Jane magazine was very skeptical about claims of being able to
dream about anything or anyone you desire… So she agreed to write an article and
put my techniques to the test.

Mitzi writes a column called "Sex Sex Sex" and was doing a column on sex dreams
and wanted to know if it was really possible to have one.

I taught her some simple techniques to do before she fell asleep that would trigger
the desired dream in full movie theater sound and color…

Mitzi was very skeptical … but after just a few nights this is what she had to say:

"This was TOTALLY worth it! I'm in a much better mood today than I've been in weeks! It's been lots of fun! It makes me wanna establish an earlier bedtime!”
-Mitzi Miller, Associate Editor JANE Magazine

Once you know how to take control of your dreams - you will be running off to bed early to live out a fantasy or grab that much needed solution…

I appeared on ABC's The View to discuss nightmares for their Halloween episode, on
Good Morning America to analyze Desperate Housewives' character Lynette's suicide dream and on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 two nights in a row doing spot dream interpretations for viewers.

On Radio…

I have been a recurring guest on such nationally syndicated radio shows as "The
Doug Bank's Morning Show", Art Bell's "Coast to Coast," "Night Calls" on Playboy
Radio, "Nights with Alice Cooper" and Leeza Gibbon's "Leeza at Night". In fact, I
have appeared on 1,000's of radio shows interpreting dreams for callers.
From coast to coast including cities such as…

… Atlantic City, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Memphis, Miami, Milwaukee, Nashville, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Portland, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Jose, Vancouver and Washington D.C.

CNN filming me during a radio show…

Here I am with Trish and Lulu of Venus 102.5 in Nashville, TN while being filmed by CNN for a special report on Sleep and Dreaming…

In Print…

I am the “Dream Expert” for Twist Magazine… read by over 200,000 teens each month. And my syndicated column “The Dream Zone®” is published in dozens daily newspapers, weeklies, and online magazines – and read by over 2.5 million readers...

Celebrity Dreams…

Feature articles in major publications both in the United States and internationally
have carried my dream interpretations done for Mariah Carey, Tyra Banks,
Gwyneth Paltrow, Halle Berry, Madonna and Christina Aguilera

Do you ever dream about…


Being chased…

Being naked in public…

Losing your teeth…


Being back in school?

If you answered "yes", then you are not alone. Each of these five most common dreams has a very definite meaning behind them … and it is probably not what you would imagine.

It's also very common to dream about sex, celebrities, animals, loved ones who
are no longer with us, houses and rooms, water, pregnancy and let's not forget dark and scary nightmares…

But none of them can be taken literally…

They are messages from your subconscious mind… and they are communicated to us
in the symbolic language of the subconscious, which requires interpretation to understand. But once you get it… you've got it and will never again wonder what
your dreams mean… and what they are telling you.

Would you like to…

  • Learn how to dream about anything you want and even get back into that awesome dream after waking up too soon?

  • Have romantic dreams literally ON DEMAND? It is the safest sex there is…

  • Understand why nightmares are the most important dreams of all…

  • And know three easy steps to ending nightmares for good?

It is all possible and I am going to show you how…

This is my Full Time Job and Passion...

Millions have enjoyed my dream interpretations on popular TV and radio shows… and in my syndicated column, "The Dream Zone®". And tens of thousands have enjoyed discovering for themselves what their dreams really mean thanks to "So, What Did You Dream Last Night?"

Now you can enjoy the same enlightenment and discovery… You can order with confidence and be assured that "So, What Did You Dream Last Night?" and "The Secrets To Dream Power" are everything I have promised, and more…

Click Here Now To Order
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No longer be afraid of your nightly dreams…

When you understand, and when you have the power to change your life for the better… you will look forward to many new dreams…

Just imagine, waking from a strange dream and being able to completely understand
it… How awesome to watch your dream slowly reveal its secrets to you, piece-by-piece, symbol-by-symbol…

You will discover what an exhilarating and magical feeling it is when you make that connection and truly "get it!" And you will gain a whole new confidence in yourself and where your life is going...

I wish you…

Sweet Dreams,

P.S. Join the thousands of happy campers who now get it when it comes to their dreams… no matter how weird or wonderful they may be. Below is just a small
selection of the feedback I have received from people from all walks of life, from all over the country…

What others have to say…

"Oh Yeah! Now that makes sense!" -Christine Walker

"I received your book. It's beautiful! I just started to read it this weekend, but I know already it's what I needed. Many of the dreams sound too familiar. It's like hindsight after you've explained them. 'Oh Yeah! Now that makes sense!' A big light goes on above my head."
--Christine Walker

"Now I have friends wanting me to analyze their dreams!"-Ada Aponte

"First off I wanted to say thank you. I have learned so much. I am remembering more and more dreams every night. I'm more in tune with myself and with what's really going on in my life. And now I have friends wanting me to analyze their dreams!!"
--Ada Aponte

"I have tried to interpret my dreams using other books … your explanations help make it easier to understand."-Debbie O'Connor

"I love your book. I bought one for my friend also. I love the stories and the explanations. I have tried to interpret my dreams using other books but it is so difficult because they are so generic. Your explanations help make it easier to understand."
--Debbie O'Connor, Bridgewater, PA

"…quality of life has improved with my new insight into dream language." -Patricia Glaab

"I continue to enjoy my book and your website. I really think my quality of life has improved with my new insight into dream language."
-- Patricia Glaab, Hampton, VA

"I have definitely found your advice extremely helpful…"-Bethany Balash

"Dear Lauri, Thank you so much!! I have definitely found your advice extremely helpful and I've remembered my dreams so much as a result of your tips."
--Bethany L. Balash

"You are a very talented, very sensitive and gifted woman!"-Kimberlie Wollan

"I want to thank you for the WONDERFUL 'So What Did You Dream Last Night?' book I received it in today's mail in beautiful condition. You are a very talented, very sensitive and gifted woman! Your book is a LOVELY treasure trove filled with a plethora of valuable tidbits for those who want to get in touch with their deeper subconscious. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and exquisite artwork with the rest of the world!"
--Kimberlie Wollan, San Marcos, CA

"I honestly thought I just didn't dream anymore … your methods are right on."-Sonia Stoddard

"Lauri, there were years where I honestly thought I just didn't dream anymore. Your methods are right on. All you need is a little effort. You're a neat person. Keep up the good work!"
--Sonia Stoddard, Los Angeles, CA

"After reading your book I had several rather vivid dreams and remembered most of them…"-Dr. Rone

"In the past, I have only occasionally been conscious of my dreams. Most of the time I would simply go to sleep and awaken the next day with nothing in between. I will say after reading your book in one evening, I did have several rather vivid dreams and remembered most of them the next morning. I'm looking forward to completing your course."
-- Dr. Rone (Mayor of McMinville, TN)

"I was like their hero. They said I find the best gifts."-Paula Cleveland

"Just wanted to let you know I ordered two of the dream packages for presents and the two people I gave them to were so excited. I was like their hero. They said I find the best gifts, so just wanted to say thanks."
--Paula B, Cleveland, OH

"I was so enthralled in your book this morning
that I actually missed my bus stop! Reading your book is like peeking into someone's therapy session!"

--Laura Zacarro, segment writer for Good Morning America

"Your dream tips are so cool…"-Jack

"Your dream tips are so cool! They are so interesting and help me to understand some of my dreams better"

"Your book has already been most helpful…"
-Betty Essick

"I really do like your book! It has already been most helpful to me. I am going to start my journal because there's a lot going on in my life right now and the solutions may be in my sleep and I do want to learn more. By the way, I listen to you when you are on the "Murphy in the Morning Show" on WKZL, Greensboro,
NC. That is when I went to website and ordered your book."
--Betty Essick, Greensboro, NC

"…I received your book and loved every bit of it."-Louanne

"I just wanted to let you know that I received your book, and I loved every bit of it! I also purchased one for my daughter, Annie, and I can't wait to give it to her. Of course, I'll have to wait because it is a Christmas gift. I really think she'll enjoy it."

"...the only dream book that's been able to help them"-Pat and JT, Q98.5

"We've had so many listeners call us and tell us they ordered your book and how much they love it and how it's the only dream book that's been able to help them!"
--Pat and JT, Q 98.5 Morning Team, Omaha, Nebraska

"Your techniques really work…"-Ann Robinson

"I find your dream advice fascinating. I've actually tried some of your techniques and it really works. I have started remembering my dreams more. Thank you so much Lauri."
--Ann Robinson

"I've actually managed to plan my dreams … I wake up happy and more refreshed…"-Tammy

"Hi Lauri, I've had great luck with your advice. I've actually managed to plan my dreams. If I've had a great day or experience, I can dream about it all night. I've found that I wake up happy and more refreshed when I'm able to do this. I've also been able to remember my dreams as well. So thanks a bunch!! It comes in handy sometimes" :-)


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